Geoheritage Symposium
Bari, 24-28 September 2012
Bari, 24-28 September 2012
(G. Mastronuzzi & P. Sansò)
The field trip allows the main features of coastal landscape of the southern Apulia to be observed. Main topics will be the climatic and sea level change effects on landscape evolution during geological time as well as the impact of recent tsunamis.
8.00: departure from Bari
Stop 1 – T.S. Sabina: Coastal evolution response to Holocene sea level change (mid-Holocene dune belt, solution pipes, historical sea level change)
Stop 2 – The bauxite quarry of Otranto: the tropical island (Tertiary tropical soil, lagoonal deposits)
13.30: lunch
Stop 3 – Porto Badisco: Pleistocene sea level change and historical tsunami (marine terraces, megaboulders, karstic landforms)
Stop 4 – Porto Miggiano: The beautiful landscape (Oligocene coral reef, Pleistocene sedimentary structures, cliffs and coastal management)
18.00: departure to Bari
20.00: arrival to Bari
Torre Santa Sabina
Torre Santa Sabina
Torre Santa Sabina
Torre Santa Sabina
Otranto-Leuca coast
Otranto-Leuca coast
Porto Miggiano
Porto Miggiano
Porto Miggiano
Porto Miggiano
Torre Santa Sabina
Torre Santa Sabina
Otranto (Le Orte locality)
Otranto (Le Orte locality)
Porto Badisco
Porto Badisco
(D. Sollitto, O. Simone and A. Fiore)
7.00: Departure from Bari to Mattinata - East Gargano headland
The Gargano is an almost entirely mountainous headland. It reaches a maximum altitude of 1055m (Monte Calvo) and extends into the Adriatic Sea for several kilometres. The promontory is part of the Mesozoic–early Cenozoic Apulia Carbonate Platform, which beginning in the Neogene acted as the main foreland of the Apennine thrust belt.
From the geomorphological point of view, the eastern headland coastline shows a number of deeply carved fluvial valleys. A dense fluvial network (nowadays almost inactive) coming from the most elevated areas, cuts the soft fine grained Cretaceous limestone that crops out in the coastal area.
During our field trip, part of which is by boat, we will see the amazing landscape characterized by steep cliffs, sea caves, arches and stacks along the coast between the towns of Mattinata and Vieste. Swimming suit is strongly recommended!
9.30: Arrival at the small port of Mattinata, the East Gargano headland seen by a boat
13.00: Mattinata area, lunch break
14.30: The East Gargano headland seen by land
17.30: Mattinata, departure to Bari
20.00: Arrival to Bari
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