(M. Bentivenga and G. Palladino)
8.00: Departure from Matera
Stop 1 - Craco
Geological characters of the Southern Appennine front-foredeep transition.
Stop 2 – Aliano badlands
Panorama view and description of badlands areas cropping out in the Aliano territory.
Stop 3 - Alianello fold
Tectono-stratigraphical caracters of the Alianello fold.
13.30: lunch
Stop 4 - Monte Volturino fold
Panorama view and description of the M. Volturino sincline cropping out in the high Agri valley.
Stop 5 - Monte Lama and Serra di Calvello fold
Panorama view and description of the M. Lama and Serra di Calvello fold cropping out in the high Agri valley.
Stop 6 - Sasso di Castalda
Tectono-stratigraphical organization of the Lagonegro Basin succession cropping out in the Sasso di Castalda village.
17.30: departure to Matera
20.00: arrival to Matera