Geoheritage Symposium
Bari, 24-28 September 2012
Bari, 24-28 September 2012
The steep scarp near the town of Spinazzola separates the Murge hills, in Apulia, from the Bradano trough, in Basilicata. This area is part of the Alta Murgia National Park, the first ever rural park in Italy. The breathtaking landscape is enriched by several awesome expressions of karst processes that shaped the Cetaceous bedrock for tens of millions years, such as the reddish bauxite deposits (quarried until the '80s of the last century in the Murgetta Rossa locality) and two among the biggest dolines in Italy: the Pulicchio, near Gravina, and the Pulo near Altamura. On the top of the scarp there is the impressive Rocca del Garagnone, the ruins of a castle built during the middle ages.
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