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Geoheritage: Protecting and Sharing


7th International Symposium ProGEO on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage

3rd Regional Meeting of the ProGEO SW Europe Working Group

Bari, Italy
24-28 September 2012

The Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA) and the European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage (ProGEO) organise the 7th International Symposium on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage. People (professionals, academics, students) dealing with nature conservation, geotourism, geoparks, education, management, sustainable development, planning and decision-making, and other topics related to the theme of "geoheritage" are invited to participate and encouraged to present their data/experiences by submission of short abstracts.
The Symposium will take place in Bari (Apulia, Italy) on September 25-26 2012, and will be held at the Sala Murat, Piazza del Ferrarese. It will be preceded by one day field-trips (two choices on September 24) and will be followed by a two days field-trip (on 27-28 September).
Bari is one among the biggest towns (metropolitan area) in southern Italy, served by the international airport "Karol Wojtyla" and also easily reachable by train and ship.

The main aims of the Symposium are:

  • to discuss on land-use planning, threats and constraints;
  • to discuss on recent developments in geodiversity assessment methodologies and geosites inventories in Europe;
  • to discuss on legal frameworks supporting geoconservation strategies;
  • to encourage a possible convergence between geoconservation and geotourism;
  • to discuss on sustainable management policies and geosites exploitation within geoparks;
  • to promote the best practices and lesson learned in geoparks for local development;
  • to enhance geotourism and its potentials for regional development;
  • to implement the most effective outreach methods for successful communication with public, decision- and policy-makers;
  • to improve international cooperation and local initiatives for the education and science divulgation;
  • to establish links between geoconservation specialists, mainly in Mediterranean area;
  • to support special measures and guidelines for conservation of our shared geoheritage.

Geoheritage: Protecting and Sharing


7th International Symposium ProGEO on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage

3rd Regional Meeting of the ProGEO SW Europe Working Group

Bari, Italy
24-28 September 2012

Second Circular

The Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA) and the European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage (ProGEO) organise the 7th International Symposium on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage. People (professionals, academics, students) dealing with nature conservation, geotourism, geoparks, education, management, sustainable development, planning and decision-making, and other topics related to the theme of "geoheritage" are invited to participate and encouraged to present their data/experiences by submission of short abstracts.
The Symposium will take place in Bari (Apulia, Italy) on September 25-26 2012, and will be held at the Sala Murat, Piazza del Ferrarese. It will be preceded by one day field-trips (two choices on September 24) and will be followed by a two days field-trip (on 27-28 September).
Bari is one among the biggest towns (metropolitan area) in southern Italy, served by the international airport "Karol Wojtyla" and also easily reachable by train and ship.

The main aims of the Symposium are:

  • to discuss on land-use planning, threats and constraints;
  • to discuss on recent developments in geodiversity assessment methodologies and geosites inventories in Europe;
  • to discuss on legal frameworks supporting geoconservation strategies;
  • to encourage a possible convergence between geoconservation and geotourism;
  • to discuss on sustainable management policies and geosites exploitation within geoparks;
  • to promote the best practices and lesson learned in geoparks for local development;
  • to enhance geotourism and its potentials for regional development;
  • to implement the most effective outreach methods for successful communication with public, decision- and policy-makers;
  • to improve international cooperation and local initiatives for the education and science divulgation;
  • to establish links between geoconservation specialists, mainly in Mediterranean area;
  • to support special measures and guidelines for conservation of our shared geoheritage.


  1. Recognition, assessment and practical management of geosites
  2. Geodiversity assessment methodologies
  3. Focus on current geomorphosites research (assessment and mapping) and recent studies in various geomorphological contexts
  4. Legal frameworks to support geoconservation strategies at different levels
  5. Up-to-date on how the national and regional inventories are going to develop in Europe, mainly in Mediterranean area
Geological Heritage and
Land-use planning
  1. Threats and constraints imposed by land-use planning
  2. How to integrate geoconservation in land-use planning
  3. Geo-archaeology
  4. Geoheritage ex-situ
  5. Good examples and possibilities in regional and local planning
Geoparks and Geotourism
  1. Conflicts and/or possible convergence between geoconservation and geotourism
  2. Geotourism as new potential for local development
  3. Policies for sustainable management and geosite use in geoparks
  4. Presentation of best practices and lesson learned in Geoparks for local development
Cooperation and Education
  1. Implementation of the most effective outreach methods for successful communication with public, decision- and policy-makers
  2. Presentation of best practices in international cooperation
  3. Local initiatives in scientific diffusion and education
  4. Capacity building for teaching geoscience in life-long learning programs



Deadlines Registration fees
April 30th, 2012 € 140 (students, SIGEA and ProGEO members: € 100)
June 30th, 2012 € 170 (students, SIGEA and ProGEO members: € 130)
August 31st, 2012 € 200 (for all participants)

Registration fees will cover the materials of the Symposium the coffee breaks and other cultural events (details within the final programme in August 2012).


Field Trips:
Organized by:

Sept. 24
one day

FT1pre) Gargano National Park Oronzo Simone, Donato Sollitto and
Antonello Fiore
FT2pre) Salento Peninsula Paolo Sansò and Giuseppe Mastronuzzi
Sept. 27-28
two days


first day: Southern Appennine

second day: Matera and the Apulia Foreland

Mario Bentivenga and
Giuseppe Palladino

Vincenzo Iurilli and Marcello Tropeano

More information on the Symposium programme and field trips will be given in the second circular (expected release: February 2012).



  1. January 31st 2012: returning the pre-registration form with the provisional abstract title (the pre-registration is necessary in order to create a mailing list of potential participants).
  2. February 2012: second circular containing: abstract submission instructions; information about travel, accommodation and fee payment; registration form.
  3. April 30th 2012: returning the final registration form with fee-payment and camera ready abstracts.
  4. August 2012: final programme.

This Circular and the Pre-registration Form are available on the web page:


The Symposium program includes plenary lectures, scientific sessions highlighted by invited keynote lectures and selected oral presentations. All participants are encouraged to contribute with posters. Subscribers are invited to the welcome concert and to the symposium dinner, as well as to other cultural events (detailed information will be given in the next circular). Pre- and post-Symposium field trips are focused on Apulia and Basilicata geosites.

Date Morning Lunch Afternoon Night
Sept. 24 Pre-symposium Gargano or Salento field trip; the field trips have the same time schedule, subscribers must choose one between the two options Symp. concert
    Opening of the registration desk  
Sept. 25 Registration desk
(08:30 – 10:00)

Opening ceremony
(10:00 – 11:00)

Plenary lecture/
Scientific session

(11:00 – 13:00)
Plenary lecture/
Scientific session

(15:00 – 17:00)

Coffee break

Plenary lecture/
Scientific session

(17:30 – 19:30)
poster session
Sept. 26 Plenary lecture/ Scientific session
(08:30 – 10:30)

Coffee break

Plenary lecture/
Scientific session

(11:00 – 13:00)

Closing ceremony

break III Meeting WG ProGeo
(SW Europe)

(room for other working
groups to meet)
(15:00 – 17:00)

SIGEA Workshop on Geological
(in Italian language)
(15:00 – 19:30)

General Assembly
of ProGeo members

(17:30 – 19:30)

Visit to the
old-town of Bari
poster session
Sept. 27-28 Post-symposium field trip
Southern Appennine (first day), Apulia Foreland (second day)



  1. Recognition, assessment and practical management of geosites
  2. Geodiversity assessment methodologies
  3. Focus on current geomorphosites research (assessment and mapping) and recent studies in various geomorphological contexts
  4. Legal frameworks to support geoconservation strategies at different levels
  5. Up-to-date on how the national and regional inventories are going to develop in Europe, mainly in Mediterranean area
Geological Heritage and
Land-use planning
  1. Threats and constraints imposed by land-use planning
  2. How to integrate geoconservation in land-use planning
  3. Geo-archaeology
  4. Geoheritage ex-situ
  5. Good examples and possibilities in regional and local planning
Geoparks and Geotourism
  1. Conflicts and/or possible convergence between geoconservation and geotourism
  2. Geotourism as new potential for local development
  3. Policies for sustainable management and geosite use in geoparks
  4. Presentation of best practices and lesson learned in Geoparks for local development
Cooperation and Education
  1. Implementation of the most effective outreach methods for successful communication with public, decision- and policy-makers
  2. Presentation of best practices in international cooperation
  3. Local initiatives in scientific diffusion and education
  4. Capacity building for teaching geoscience in life-long learning programs



Field Trips:
Organized by:

Sept. 24
one day

FT1pre) Gargano National Park Oronzo Simone, Donato Sollitto and
Antonello Fiore
FT2pre) Salento Peninsula Paolo Sansò and Giuseppe Mastronuzzi
Sept. 27-28
two days


first day: Southern Appennine -
Appennino Lucano National Park

second day: Matera and the Apulia
Foreland - Alta Murgia National Park

Mario Bentivenga and
Giuseppe Palladino

Marcello Tropeano, Vincenzo Iurilli and
Oronzo Simone

More information on the Symposium programme will be given in the Symposium web site.
For any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee.



The Symposium programme includes plenary lectures, scientific sessions highlighted by invited keynote lectures and selected oral presentations. Pre- and post-Symposium field trips are focused on Apulia and Basilicata geosites.

Date Morning Lunch Afternoon Night
Sept. 24 Pre-symposium Gargano or Salento field trip; the field trips have the same time schedule, subscribers must choose one between the two options  
    Opening of the registration desk  
Sept. 25 Registration desk
(08:30 – 10:00)

Opening ceremony
(10:00 – 11:00)

Plenary lecture/
Scientific session

(11:00 – 13:00)
Plenary lecture/
Scientific session

(15:00 – 17:00)

Coffee break

Plenary lecture/
Scientific session

(17:30 – 19:30)
poster session
Sept. 26 Plenary lecture/ Scientific session
(08:30 – 10:30)

Coffee break

Plenary lecture/
Scientific session

(11:00 – 13:00)

Closing ceremony

III Meeting WG ProGeo
(SW Europe)

(room for other working
groups to meet)
(15:00 – 17:00)

SIGEA Workshop on Geological
(in Italian language)
(15:00 – 19:30)

General Assembly
of ProGeo members

(17:30 – 19:30)

Visit to the
old-town of Bari
poster session
Sept. 27-28 Post-symposium field trip
Southern Appennine (first day), Apulia Foreland (second day)



Antonello Fiore and Salvatore Valletta (SIGEA, Italy)

The official language is English

The symposium web site is:

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

All participants are kindly asked to submit their contribution before june 15th, 2012.
Detailed information on abstract submission will be given in the second circular

Registration Fees and Deadlines


Early Registration
before April 30th
after April 30th
Late Registration
after July 31th
On site
€ 100.00 € 130.00 € 200.00 € 300.00
Participant € 140.00 € 170.00 € 200.00 € 300.00


The registration fee includes: attendance at all scientific sessions, congress kit, no. 2 coffee breaks (September 25th – 26th), no. 1 lunch (September 25th), cultural events and certificate of attendance.


All cancellations regarding your registration should be submitted in writing to “Centro Italiano Congressi CIC Sud”. For cancellations before September 10th 2012, 20% of the registration fees is refundable. No refund is due after this date. All refunds will be handled after the congress is over.

All participants are kindly asked to submit their contribution before June 15 th, 2012.

For BOOKING and REGISTRATION on line press below
registration form


Geoheritage Final Documents

Geoheritage Documents


Scientific Program


Info Bari



Organizing Secretariat

supported by

Regione Puglia Regione Basilicata Provincia di Bari Comune di Bari Università degli Studi di Bari Università degli Studi della Basilicata ISPRA The Geological Surveys of Europe Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi Società Geologica Italiana Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia Parco Nazionale del Gargano Parco Nazionale dell'Alta Murgia Parco Nazionale Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese