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Displaying items by tag: GEOSITES


  1. Recognition, assessment and practical management of geosites
  2. Geodiversity assessment methodologies
  3. Focus on current geomorphosites research (assessment and mapping) and recent studies in various geomorphological contexts
  4. Legal frameworks to support geoconservation strategies at different levels
  5. Up-to-date on how the national and regional inventories are going to develop in Europe, mainly in Mediterranean area
Geological Heritage and
Land-use planning
  1. Threats and constraints imposed by land-use planning
  2. How to integrate geoconservation in land-use planning
  3. Geo-archaeology
  4. Geoheritage ex-situ
  5. Good examples and possibilities in regional and local planning
Geoparks and Geotourism
  1. Conflicts and/or possible convergence between geoconservation and geotourism
  2. Geotourism as new potential for local development
  3. Policies for sustainable management and geosite use in geoparks
  4. Presentation of best practices and lesson learned in Geoparks for local development
Cooperation and Education
  1. Implementation of the most effective outreach methods for successful communication with public, decision- and policy-makers
  2. Presentation of best practices in international cooperation
  3. Local initiatives in scientific diffusion and education
  4. Capacity building for teaching geoscience in life-long learning programs



Deadlines Registration fees
April 30th, 2012 € 140 (students, SIGEA and ProGEO members: € 100)
June 30th, 2012 € 170 (students, SIGEA and ProGEO members: € 130)
August 31st, 2012 € 200 (for all participants)

Registration fees will cover the materials of the Symposium the coffee breaks and other cultural events (details within the final programme in August 2012).


Field Trips:
Organized by:

Sept. 24
one day

FT1pre) Gargano National Park Oronzo Simone, Donato Sollitto and
Antonello Fiore
FT2pre) Salento Peninsula Paolo Sansò and Giuseppe Mastronuzzi
Sept. 27-28
two days


first day: Southern Appennine

second day: Matera and the Apulia Foreland

Mario Bentivenga and
Giuseppe Palladino

Vincenzo Iurilli and Marcello Tropeano

More information on the Symposium programme and field trips will be given in the second circular (expected release: February 2012).



  1. January 31st 2012: returning the pre-registration form with the provisional abstract title (the pre-registration is necessary in order to create a mailing list of potential participants).
  2. February 2012: second circular containing: abstract submission instructions; information about travel, accommodation and fee payment; registration form.
  3. April 30th 2012: returning the final registration form with fee-payment and camera ready abstracts.
  4. August 2012: final programme.

This Circular and the Pre-registration Form are available on the web page:

Article on the by-monthly magazine "Bollettino di informazione" del Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi, nov-dic. 2012.

The ProGEO newsletter no. 4 2012 that tells about the Symposium (A geological cross-section through the southern Apennine thrust belt).

The ProGEO newsletter no. 3 2012 that tells about the Symposium.

Article on the daily newspaper "Quotidiano di Puglia", published on September 26, 2012 (in Italian).

Article on the daily newspaper "La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno", published on september 26, 2012 (in Italian).

Article on the daily newspaper "La Gazzetta di Bari", published on September 26, 2012 (in Italian).

Article on the daily newspaper "La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno", published on May 25, 2012 (in Italian).

Article on the daily newspaper "Quotidiano di Bari", published on May 25, 2012 (in Italian).

Article on the daily newspaper "BariSera", published on May 25, 2012 (in Italian).

The ProGEO newsletter no. 2 2012 that announces the Symposium.

"Geological Heritage in Photography", an article on the daily newspaper "La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno", published on August 9, 2012 (in Italian).

Article on the daily newspaper "La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno", published on May 17, 2012 (in Italian).

The EuroGeoSurveys news no. 6 2012 that announces the Symposium.

The ProGEO newsletter no. 1 2012 that announces the Symposium.

1st International Symposium - Digne (France) - "Declaration of the Rights of the Memory of the Earth".

The final document of the "4th International Progeo Symposium".

The final document of the "5th International Progeo Symposium".


Download the free articles of the Geoheritage volume.

The ProGEO newsletter no. 3 2011 that announces the Symposium.

Web article on the VII Symposium (in Italian).

Web article, published on "Dario Flaccovio" Magazine, on the VII Symposium (in Italian).

Symposium presentation on the "Società Geologica Italiana" website.

Coming events in ProGEO website.

The ProGEO newsletter no. 4 2011 that announces the Symposium.

Article on the daily newspaper "La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno", published on February 2, 2012 (in Italian).

Workshop ISPRA “Dal Censimento al Repertorio Nazionale dei Geositi. Esperienze a confronto.” Roma, 2009





Sasso di Castalda Atti Sasso di Castalda
Geositi Puglia Volume Geositi Puglia
ISPRA - Patrimonio Geologico ISPRA - Patrimonio Geologico
GdA - Atti Piacenza GdA 2009 - Atti Piacenza
Atti Rionero Atti Convegno Rionero in Vulture
Atti Roma Atti 2° Simposio Roma
Paesaggi geologici Paesaggi geologici
Ed. Verde Ambiente




supported by

Regione Puglia Regione Basilicata Provincia di Bari Comune di Bari Università degli Studi di Bari Università degli Studi della Basilicata ISPRA The Geological Surveys of Europe Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi Società Geologica Italiana Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia Parco Nazionale del Gargano Parco Nazionale dell'Alta Murgia Parco Nazionale Appennino Lucano Val d'Agri Lagonegrese